An At-Home Beginner and Advanced Workout Routine

We have been talking about health and fitness all month and how it’s kind of important to try and stay healthy and fit.

I know people make excuses all the time because they think its to hard or you can’t lift weights or dumbbells that heavy. But guys guess what, you can start at the bottom with strictly bodyweight exercises.

That’s the only way your going to get your body use to working out, is by starting with the basics. If you are just now starting to work out and you try to go and lift the heaviest weight or do something you know you can’t do, you can risk being injured, and then you can’t work out at all.

Here is a home workout that is for beginners, if you’re just starting out, you can do this workout:

  • Bodyweight squats: 20 reps
  • Push-ups: 10 reps
  • Walking lunges: 10 each leg
  • Dumbbell rows (you can use a gallon milk jug or another weight that is similar in weight with a good handle): 10 each arm
  • Plank: 15 secs
  • Jumping Jacks: 30 reps

And that’s it! Your goal is to try and go through the workout sequence as many times as possible. Don’t push too hard or you will get hurt, but push just enough to get at least 3 rounds in. This type of working out is called “circuit training” and the objective like I said above is to try and get through it as many times as you can. 

If it gets to easy you can always challenge yourself and try to get through how many rounds in 1 minute or however many rounds in 2-3 minutes. It’s your workout and your challenge, you just have to push through it till the end!

Now let’s say your a little advanced and that beginner workout is too easy, but your still not ready to attempt a gym workout or a weightlifting class. That’s okay, you can do this advanced at-home workout instead.

It’s still a bodyweight workout, it’s just going to be a little more challenging:

  • One-legged squats: 10 each side (only attempt if you’re in good enough shape because this exercise will test our balance as well)
  • Bodyweight squats: 20 reps
  • Walking lunges: 20 reps (10 each leg)
  • Jump step-ups: 20 reps (10 each leg, if you don’t know what this exercise is, you can google it)
  • Pull-ups: 10 reps (or inverted bodyweight rows, google it)
  • Dips (between bar stools, google it): 10 reps
  • Chin-ups: 10 reps (or inverted bodyweight rows with an underhand grip)
  • Push-ups: 10 reps
  • Plank: 30 secs

And there you have it, a little more advanced than the beginner and this workout will test your balance a little more as well as your upper body strength.

Please do not jump into this workout unless you know you can do it because we don’t want anyone to get hurt. 

I know it’s going to be tough and yes you will be sore after you finish, but it will be well worth it if it helps keep your body in shape and fit.

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